Thursday, January 23, 2014

pale blue dot

hai dere peeps

do you ever got lost in that one song thats so real and your just drowning in truth, thats such cool feeling... i just wanted to say that

i went trough a pretty rough patch the last week but im getting better so whatever

I've been thinking about the pale blue dot a lot lately and its impossible to take in that almost every important event in human history happened there, accomplishments one couldn't even fathom, and it all happened on this pale blue dot, all war hate and fear. i dream that one day we'll leave that all behind as we stretch into the cosmos one would look out the window and see the planet that has been the battleground thousands of wars, a planet plagued with hate and violence, it looks insignificant and it looks that way because it is, we don't have the brain capacity to understand how small we are. and yet i'm a big deal this is a big problem, he's a big jerk . end the hate, blue is one of the most peacefull colors that can affect our brain. so go blue dot

“Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.” -Carl Segan

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

very negative post

 this one isn't happy, you've been warned

Life is meh right now someone i care about is going trough some trouble witch sucks and my parents are being assholes (unprofessional but whatever).

Home life is awful my family is just not supportive. If it wasn't for my friends and loved ones then id probably be spiraling downwards instead of trying to spiral upwards but be held back.

No interesting fact today, i don't really feel like it